Holy Quran – Help Guide
When you open the Holy Quran, press the resume button and it will take you to the page that you were reading last time before exiting the app.
The Holy Quran is divided into 30 Juz which are also called as “Part” or “Para” in different languages and countries.
The Holy Quran is also divided into 114 Surahs which are also called as “Chapter” or “Surat” in different languages and countries.
This app has all 30 Juz (Parts/Para) and 114 Surahs (Chapters/Surat). You can open any specific Juz or any Surah directly from the respective index button for each one. Press and hold any Juz or any Surah name to view a brief information about it.
You can jump to a page instantly with the go-to page button. Enter any page number from 2-850 and click Go-to page #.
Save your favorite surah or page to read it later in the bookmarks section. Now you can add unlimited bookmarks and also keep their backup by login into your social account. Synchronize across multiple devices with cloud-sync option.
4.1. Add when toolbar is enabled
- Press the bookmark icon in toolbar
- Enter a title for this bookmark
- Click save bookmark button
- Bookmark is saved successfully
4.2. Add when toolbar is disabled
- Press volume-up button
- Enter a title for this bookmark
- Click save bookmark button
- Bookmark is saved successfully
4.3. Add from Bookmarks Menu
- Open bookmark list from main menu
- Press Plus button
- Select any Juz of Surah or Custom
- If you select custom then Enter Page #
- Enter a title for this bookmark
- Click save bookmark button
- Bookmark is saved successfully
4.4. Delete an existing Bookmark
- Go to bookmarks
- Press and hold a bookmark name
- Select delete
- Bookmark is deleted successfully
Now you can also set a marker sign on any ayat or anywhere on page of Quran to remember exactly where you left reading last time. The page marker is a new and totally different feature than bookmarks. With bookmarks you can only save the page number of Quran which you need to save for continuing later but now with the help page marker you can also set a marker on any ayat or word where you left off reading.
5.1. Add Marker when toolbar is enabled
- Tap the Marker-Pin icon from the bottom toolbar
- Drag & place the marker-pin anywhere on the page
- Now tap save
5.2. Add Marker when toolbar is disabled
- Press Volume up or down button of your device
- Drag & place the marker-pin anywhere on the page
- Now tap save
5.3. How to open saved markers
- On home screen main menu tap the button “Saved Page Markers”
- Select your saved marker from the list
- The page will open with the marker sign exactly on same place where you saved it
Users can now backup their bookmarks and settings by using their social login or register account on FanzeTech Holy Quran free of cost.
6.1. Benefits of Cloud Login:
Bookmarks Backup: All Bookmarks and settings will be saved on your account so in case you uninstall this app or change your mobile phone, all your bookmarks and settings will be safe and later you can restore them when you login your account in Holy Quran again.
Cloud Sync: With this option you can see all your bookmarks and settings same across multiple devices in which you login cloud account.
6.2. Login Screen
You will see the login screen 1st time you install or update the app
If you have skipped the login screen on first launch you find login option in side menu on home screen, screenshot is given below
6.3. You can login with following methods:
- Login with Google
- Login with Facebook
- Login with Holy Quran Account (needs signup first)
There are a bundle of new customization options for giving your eyes extreme comfort while reading. Each one’s usage and method is explained below.
7.1. Quick Toolbar
A new toolbar has been added to Holy Quran pages to quickly access useful functions such as save bookmark, night-mode, page sound, page overlay and settings.
You can turn-off this toolbar and use your volume-buttons as shortcut keys to save Marker on the current page. Press Volume-up or volume-down button, adjust the marker-pin on the page you want and press save button.
7.2. Page Sound
You can turn on/off the page turning sound effect.
How to steps:
If the toolbar is enabled, press the speaker icon in quick toolbar
If the toolbar is disabled, switch on/off page sound from the main menu settings
7.3. Night Mode
It will turn the background black and text into white color which will give you a more comfortable reading screen at night or in low light conditions.
7.4. Custom Brightness
Now you can set and adjust custom brightness of pages in app-settings. This app-setting will not affect your phone’s system brightness settings.
How to steps:
Press settings icon from toolbar or main menu
switch-on the custom brightness
Drag the slider to adjust brightness
7.5. Page Presets
Page preset gives you a totally changed look of Quran pages with a beautiful combination of colored background and text. You can choose any preset among five presets from settings.
7.6. Font Colors
You can change the font color of pages, whichever you like from five font colors. It is also really helpful for people with color-blindness problems.
7.7. Page Reflection
This option will show a mirror image of the page being turned on its back. It can be turned on from settings.
7.8. Page Overlay
If your eyes are not comfortable with any color or brightness of pages then page-overlay is for you. It will make a colored overlay as a shield layer in front of pages to protect your eyes from sharpness of colors and brightness. You can set the color shade and intensity of the overlay from settings.
7.9. Show Latest Bookmarks on Top
If you turn-on this option then the latest bookmarks will be shown at the top in the bookmark list and the older bookmarks will be shown at the bottom of the list.
7.10. Restore Defaults
This button will restore the default settings of the app and it will not erase your bookmarks.
The first line of each Juz is prominent with black-color background. There are total 30 Juz (Part or Para) in Holy Quran, the black highlighted line indiciates beginning of a new Juz.
Sajdah-Ayaat are highlighted with green-color background, these are very important because Sadjah Ayaat are those verses of Holy Quran in which it is compulsory for all Muslims to do a Sajdah (prostration) to Allah Almighty each time they read it.
Screen will not turn-off while you are reading
Now you can see your status bar while reading, helpful in keeping track of time and important notifications
On-page notifications will appear when a setting is changed
Double tap back button to exit the application
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